Sexual Harassment Policy of the Fosdick Fulfillment Corporation

It is the intent of this company to maintain a workplace free of sexual harassment from any source.  Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal and will not be tolerated at Fosdick Fulfillment Corporation.  Sexual harassment is generally defined as unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, or contact of a sexual nature where:

  • Giving in to, or refusal of, such conduct is made a term or condition of on-going employment, promotion, or other condition of employment;
  • Giving in to, or refusal of, such conduct is used, as a basis for an employment decision which affects the individual;
  • Giving in to, or refusal of, such conduct unreasonably interferes with the individual’s job performance, or has the purpose or effect of creating an intimating, hostile or offensive work environment. 

Sexual harassment can occur between members of the opposite sex and/or between members of the same sex.

What type of behavior could be considered sexual harassment?

Examples of conduct that may be considered sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances, suggestive or lewd remarks, unwanted hugs, touches, kisses, requests for sexual favors, pornographic posters, cartoons or drawings, sexual jokes or gossip, verbal comments that are sexually oriented and the unwanted touching of another person.

What should I do if I think I’ve been harassed either sexually or on the basis of another protected class?

Employees should feel free to tell the harasser to stop the offending behavior.  In addition, employees who believe they have been harassed by a company employee, vendor, consultant, customer, client, or contractor should contact either their supervisor, the Vice President of Human Resources or any company Director or Vice President.  Any supervisor who becomes aware of inappropriate conduct must immediately notify the Vice President of Human Resources. 

What will happen if I complain about harassment?

All complaints of illegal harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated and appropriate action will be taken to remedy any such conduct.  All complaints of such harassment will be kept confidential to the extent practical under the circumstances, with information about them given only to those people necessary to the investigation and resolution.

Any employee found to have engaged in inappropriate behavior, including illegally harassing behavior, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Employees may bring their good faith complaints of harassment without fear of retaliation.

What will happen if I do not come forward with a complaint?

First, and most importantly, if you do not bring forth a complaint, the company will not have the opportunity to respond and the offending behavior is likely to continue.  Furthermore, employees should be aware that recent court decisions have indicated that the failure to report an allegation of illegal harassment to the company may jeopardize their rights to pursue such a claim outside of the company.  


Effective October 1, 2019, Connecticut law requires all employers with three or more employees to provide two hours of sexual harassment training to all employees.  Employees hired on or after October 1, 2019 will receive the training within six months of hire.

Employees promoted to a supervisory role will receive sexual harassment training within six months of assuming the supervisory role.