Last year we created a Mission Statement committee to re-write our Mission Statement. Our previous Mission Statement was written by the employees in 1997 and, as is true with most supply chain services, our business has changed significantly since.
In 1997, eCommerce didn’t exist, Fosdick had not yet shipped B2B, and our footprint was only in CT. These are just a handful of what equate to fairly massive shifts in the way Fosdick does business, especially with respect to the various business channels we’ve added over the course of the last 23 years.
The rewrite committee formed with one goal: representation from every single department.
Here are the steps we took in forming the new mission statement:
- Each committee member was asked to come up with 2-3 words that they believe define Fosdick
- We then created a master list of words, which committee members used to craft complete phrases indicative of their interpretation of our greater mission.
- The committee was then separated into two teams, each of which created a distinct draft of a potential statement for consideration.
- Drawing on the positive in each team’s proposal, we were able to develop the final iteration as it appears below.
Management rolled out the new mission across all Fosdick locations on Employee Appreciation Day (3/5). Incorporating the updated Fosdick mission in the day’s activities was a fitting way to acknowledge the joint efforts of employees from each and every department in forming the updated statement.
In days following, each distinct Fosdick location received a framed mission statement. the wall hanging is meant to further unite the Fosdick Family across both coasts in a singular mission more reflective of the times and the state of our business.